Is there a definite cure in sight?

       In recent discoveries, Scientists claim to have successfully eliminated HIV from infected cells, using Nobel Prize-winning CRISPR gene-editing technology.

Swarm of human immunodeficiency virus.

The technique works like a pair of scissors, but at the molecular level, cutting DNA so “bad” bits can be removed or inactivated.

The hope is to ultimately rid the body entirely of the virus, although much more work is needed to check if it would be safe and effective.

“Much more work will be needed to demonstrate results in these cell assays can happen in an entire body for future therapy. There will be much more development needed before this could have an impact on those with HIV”

– Dr James Dixon, stem-cell and gene therapy technologies associate professor at the University of Nottingham

Existing HIV medicines [anti-retroviral] can stop the virus but not eliminate it. Other scientists are also trying to use CRISPR against HIV and Excision BioTherapeautics says after 48 weeks, three volunteers with HIV have no serious side effects.

   Dr. Jonathan Stoye, a virus expert at the Francis Crick Institute, in London, stated that removing HIV from all the cells that might harbour it in the body was “extremely challenging”.

Dr. Jonathan Stoye; Francis Crick Institute, London.

HIV attacks and infects immune-system cells, using their machinery to make copies of itself.
Even with effective treatment, some go into a resting, or latent, state – so they still contain the DNA, or genetic material, of HIV, even if not actively producing new virus.

 Most people need life-long antiretroviral therapy. If they can stop taking these drugs, the dormant virus can reawaken and cause problems again.

A rare few have been apparently “cured”, after aggressive cancer therapy wiped out some of their infected cells, but this would never be recommended purely to treat HIV.
People who stay on antiretroviral treatment, which is very effective, can have the same life expectancy as people without HIV, for example.

Writer: Noah Bello


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2 months ago

Gene therapy is helping a lot. Thanks for this insight