Noah Bello’s Amore mei vitae – 7 days of Love, A Valentine’s day edition

It is that time of the year again. Love, flowers, teddy bears and the colour red. The exciting/dreadful (pick your poison) that classifies Valentine’s Day. In celebration of this special day, AMSA’s Editorial House brings to you love letters for the week of Valentine. Letters of love, heartbreak, unrequited crushes and lust, specially from AMSites’ creative pen. We call this “7 Days of Love: A Valentine’s Letter Edition.”

Day I
Writer: Noah Bello
Title: Amore mei vitae

The bottom of my heart,
Every fibre of my being,
The blood flowing through my veins,
My Plethora of unspoken feelings.

The reason for my existence,
The brightest constellation in the sky,
My Aphrodite,
Amore mei vitae.

It’s cliché when I say I wish I had the words to explain how much you mean to me, but I really am lost for words. You swooped in and my train of thoughts left the station. Its crazy, isn’t it? How a stranger comes into your life under the guise of “hey” and “hi”, a handshake and a smile, and after what feels like “all of a sudden”, they’re all that matters to you? It’s crazy, but what’s the fun in normal. It’s crazy but you’re all that matters.

I could watch the world burn and the universe go to chaos but it’ll be fine. I’ll be okay as long as you’re holding my hand. And if it’s not fine, the mere thought of you, the delusion that you’d be here, and just your smile would make everything okay. Oh, your smile! My Achilles’ heel. My single connection to the world as we know it. I crave for those moments when you would look me in the eye and nothing else mattered.

I wouldn’t die for you dear; I’d fight heavenly powers and orders of hell. I’ll walk to the ends of the Earth to prove that you’re the most beautiful in all corners of it and trade my soul to give you all you’ve ever dreamed of. I wouldn’t give you the moon; If I could, I’d pull planets out of orbit and offer them to you as a valentine’s gift. Move aside a supernova because you’re the only true masterpiece in the galaxy.I’d do all these and more. Please, come back to me.

Yours till the end,

Noah <3

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