Muddy Shoes

Poker players learn the basic observance skills. Within few minutes of playing, a good poker player may have learnt your subtle tells. It could be as simple as the way you exhale when you have been dealt a new hand or the nervous tics you have perfected by drumming on the table. Little insignificant movements we make can confirm or deny the hand you have dealt as your winning hand. Earlier in the week I could have used those observance skills and would not have had to tell this story.

The lockdown began with a somewhat compelling need to increase the number of “kicks” in my wardrobe. This insane urge for white sneakers slowly took root in my mind. On one boring and very inauspicious day, I finally saw a pair of Nike sneakers that I just had to have, so I ordered them from this store I use severally, as I trust their services . For some reason this my lone order seemed to have wahala. It took three extra weeks before it finally got to me.

I thought that would have been the end of the hassle but at the time I was just happy to finally get the shoes. With nowhere to go, I tucked my newly acquired shoes away waiting for the launching day. Even after the lockdown had been eased I had nowhere to launch my new pair of shoes. Finally, I planned to just wear it out if I had to go anywhere. With this burning excitement to launch the shoes, I had to dress for the occasion – do not get your hopes up at this point, not wearing pyjamas was exciting enough.

On a rainy morning, I wore my new shoes. Blinded with excitement, I got into the car with my mother on our way to my father’s office. I would like to point out that it was barely drizzling and my disposition was still sunny. My mother was in a hurry and dropped me across the road. I successfully crossed it , then I took my first step into a puddle –my new white shoes drenched in mud!

In disbelief I tried to stomp off the excess mud. Now in a foul mood I made my way to the office, murmured my greetings making a beeline for my seat. I removed the shoes and kept them out of sight, switched my laptop on, only to see the poker game I was playing.

Thinking that day through, I wish I had applied my observational skills to the weather and not worn my shoes.

#Saturday Series

Written by Claire Onjewu,200L.

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