Dream Too Big?Heck No!

Being a child was bliss. Most times, I wonder how and why we wanted to be adults so bad. Sleeping all day with no worries. The “Hakuna matata” life is something we wish we could go back to. Now as grown ups, we look at children with a smile, remembering those good ol’ days. Anything and everything was possible. How on earth did we believe our fathers would buy us airplanes, sigh.

Eyes to the starry sky, believing we could be anything. Having dreams as huge as becoming the president so much, that the desire seeped into our nightly prayers. Dreams of becoming astronauts, pilots, footballers and so much more. Now as adults, we tame them and over time, life has taught us to settle for smaller thoughts, sometimes even mocking them calling it all fantasies. Some still beckon to us but we ignore, probably because of friends, society, acceptance and shame.

We now call our long time dreams fantasies, our ambitions mere wishes and our visions mere thoughts; with the 5 year old version of ourselves pleading with us to believe once again that anything is possible!

How we would scream inwardly to give anything to be a child again but more importantly, ensuring we bring those childhood “fantasies” to reality. We can be anything we set our minds to be. We don’t have to disappoint that little version of ourselves . When next someone talks down those “fantasies” and says the dreams are too big, scream Heck No!

In years to come, I hope we can have a little talk with our younger selves and be proud to say we stayed true to our dreams.

~ Treasure Omeje , 500L

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