By Miss Ursula
By Miss Ursula
“Sheena Michaels?!! Is that you??” The yell came from behind her. Sheena turned shocked, she hadn’t answered to that surname in years. She saw an auburn haired lady, really tall and leggy, quite pretty too. “Sorry I don’t really recognize…
The aim of this writing competition is to explore the creativity and talents of medicine students in writing and en courage them to nuture this talent. We believe ABUAD has been a place with alot of experiences and memories we…
Take the test! It won’t hurt, it will only reveal the truth. You assume to know what it is but you can never be too sure. HIV/AIDS is not a death sentence. It’s the beginning of a different life, more…
“When he shall die Take him up and cut him out in little stars And he will make the face of Heaven so fine That all the world will be in love with night And pay no…
May the message of Christmas fill your lives with joy and peace. Abuad Medical Students Association wishes all AMSITES merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.