8 Things I Wish I Knew Before Entering Med School

1.Your competition is YOU, YOURSELF & YOU

You’ve probably heard a lot about how tough med school is but then again, you just left secondary school as the best or one of the best. There’s an arrogance that comes with each person but the best part about med school is that it’ll humble you. Don’t come in trying to prove you’re better, come in trying to do better than your last because at the end of the day the only name that your result will carry is yours!

2. Co-operation not Competition

The emphasis on this is real. Probably one of the best things to engage yourself in is a study group. You can only know soo much. You’ll find out along the line that what sticks more is actually what’s being shared. Don’t get me wrong, your competitive drive should be a 101% but there’s nothing wrong in helping others to help yourself.

3. Take time to live a little

Along the line, you’ll realize the best of students live the most stress-free lives. Reading is a must but what about the other aspects of life to keep your sanity? Life doesn’t revolve around books only, go see that movie you’ve been wanting to see, attend that event that everyone’s been buzzing about, try out the new hobby you’ve been wanting to do, at the end of the day your books will be right where you kept them. Just don’t forget why you’re in med school.

4. Wanting, Studying & Practicing Medicine, are very different things.

I’ll tell you why I said so. To almost every child being a doctor is the best ambition. You grow up and realize there’s more to life than reading 24/7. Interests start to spike and journies begin. You then realize the reality of being a med student, the effort and sacrificies you have to make. It’s worth it, don’t worry. It’s just you, your books and that score. You graduate only to realize it was never about the score but about the actual practicing. My point being, the road to success varies, it’s not just about when you get there, but also how.

5. It’s okay not to be the star pupil

I have to say even I was a victim of this. You leave sec. school as a magnet only to get here and not have things go always the way you want it to. But guess what? It’s not about being the best but rather doing your best. At the end of the day, nobody’s going to ask you about your first in-course scores when they see just how good you are in your field. There are soo many underdogs in medicine. It’s not about being smart but about constantly reading.

6. Prioritizing is a must!!!

This can never be said enough. There are soo many distractions that you can’t afford to get left behind. Set a scale of preference for yourself because, yes! At the end of the day you can’t always do everything.

7.Asking for help, doesn’t make you weak.

The pride amongst medical students is real. The hard truth is, you will struggle at something at some point and there’ll always be somebody who knows better. It’s okay to ask questions even if it makes you look silly. It’s okay to meet someone who you may or may not like because at the end of the day, your goal is met and that’s all that matters. Period!

8. You’ll question why you want to study medicine uncountable times, BUT DON’T GIVE UP!

A lot of people are victims of this. I’ve even gone as far as planning soo many other careers in my head but I always bring myself back. Being challenged in med school is inevitable, being defeated is optional. Anytime you feel down tell yourself you’re here to stay and it’ll be okay.

Written by Umayma Adebayo,300L

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4 years ago

Thank You Umayma. This is really helpful

4 years ago

Thank you Umayma🙏

4 years ago

Nice write up. Medicine is not beans but we still move on. Perseverance is a key too.

3 years ago

This line…got me, “road to success varies, it’s not just about when you get there, but also how.”