“In all six years of medical school, this year has actually been my most difficult”

It is no news that in one way or the other medicine has its impact on us. Psychologically, emotionally and even socially. Apparently, we have all mastered a way of masking up all these feelings and carrying on no matter what is thrown in our faces. Having to self-doubt yourself at moments that you feel inadequate and the self-guilt that accompanies putting yourself first and medicine second is accentuated by the realization that you have to keep pushing no matter what. On the other hand, Some people have it going smoothly because they have learned self-mastery and somehow hacked a way of making the journey less less stressful. Well, that goes for the one percent of one percent.

This article contains experiences from 7 Amsaites across all levels sharing their struggles in medical school through the year.



My struggles this year were more of balancing my finances and medical school. Making money is important and this can only be fueled by having a business of your own. I struggled so hard with making the business work while navigating through medical school classes, posting, and exams. Sadly, it was all futile. It hurt so much because I believed this year was the year. I did not beat myself up so much though, especially seeing that I had no time of my own at any point. The path and pharm exams took everything from me. The time was so short for the workload that was dumped on me. Overall it was a good enough year and I never forget to take a break by missing classes now and then to refuel.


God came through for me this year. It was not a turbulent year. I did not entirely struggle in any way pertinent to the medical field. I had personal stuff that I was dealing with but I think I handled it to the best of my capabilities and did not allow it to get in the way of my school work. If forgetting and not completely recalling things I have read is a struggle, I think I would count it too. I was always very pained especially knowing I read that thing but I cannot remember properly. Despite everything, I was still always happy that I acquired knowledge and I learned one or two things.


Focusing on medical school completely was my major struggle. It is easy to lose focus as a medical student because outside of medicine, there are a couple of things that require your attention. Diversifying my attention led to every struggle I had to deal with. Well, even if any other thing wasn’t taking my time, the classes were nerve-racking and the expectations placed on you by the lecturer to be able to completely read everything you were taught was even more demoralizing. The topics are voluminous and the time is very short. My exams didn’t come easy because I struggled with time management and total readiness for exams. Maybe the exams would have been easier if I had prepared more.


In all six years of medical school, this year has actually been my most difficult. I usually have a lot of things going on in my life all at once but this year it doubled, coupled with the fact that I started redefining myself. It was worse when I realized that after my Part 2 MBBS exams, I totally and completely lost my zeal for this course and started redirecting my passion to something else. This affected my next clinical posting exams as I failed (I’m not used to failure, hardly ever fail). I was down for weeks. Literally had to fight and struggle my way back up but can categorically say things are better now as I’m finding my footing. Maybe I’ve not completely lost my zeal.


Well, I think the biggest struggle for me this year was my 100level. The pressure of getting dropped from medical school was always ringing in my head. Everything I did, revolved around this thought and it limited me a lot. I was always constantly judging myself saying and feeling I wasn’t doing my best in the course. I did not want to let myself or down or everyone that believed in me. It was a really big struggle for me all year long.


My biggest struggle as a medical student this year was trying not to lose myself. Trying to keep myself together, my sense of individuality, and not sink into the medical school black hole. One of the many things medical school does is test your elasticity to the brink of you tearing. It was so bad that I lost myself a bit. I’m still trying so hard to pick the pieces but I don’t think I can before resumption again and that makes me scared. I am well aware that the cycle of losing yourself and finding yourself and losing yourself again never ends. Going through it all over again is scary.


I struggled so much this year. I had a lot of exams and I tried to study hard to be prepared for every single one. I would say the struggle came after I failed. The feeling of having to resit exams isn’t so delightful. Crying a lot and beating myself up. My resilience not to give up kept me going. I thought to myself that I had not prepared for the previous exams enough and doubled my efforts in my end of postings only to fail some of the exams again. This year has been a hassle because I know very well I am not on the downside, maybe there are just too many things to read and you never know which would come out in the exam. If only there was a section in exams where we could write what we know.


Thank you so much for reading🤗

Some of these responses were edited for clarity and augmenting purposes.

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2 years ago

This is a very good initiative